Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20 Transplant Day +105

March 2012,  recovering at home

It is nice to be home. Yes last Friday, we packed up our stuff in Seattle and traveled across two mountain passes with bare roads. Earlier in the day one pass was closed because of heavy snow and several cars that spun out and blocked traffic. We generally like to wait when possible to allow the road to warm up a bit and for the traffic to get the highway worked in if there is any snow or ice. We made good time.  Now we are back in a routine at home. On Saturday, Rose did a lot of shopping to restock our shelves and refrigerator. We both got out for a walk down by the Columbia River. The community has a great paved trail that walkers and bike riders use that continues in an 11 mile loop. When Rose takes the walk without me, I always tell her to wave at the fish in the river (I am not sure she does). The adult steelhead have just about finished moving to their spawning areas in the tributaries and the juvenile fish will start their migration toward the Pacific Ocean in about three weeks.

Rose returned to work on Monday after an absence of four months. She was happy to see her friends and colleagues again and settle into a routine. Her employer has gone the extra mile to assist us with getting me healthy again. For me, it was critical to have a dedicated care giver to help with tracking what the doctors were saying and keeping me healthy.  I had an eye appointment Monday and I felt well enough to drive myself to the clinic and back. I intentionally skipped this week for a visit to my oncologist. I felt like I deserved a break this week from any more talk about the stem cell transplant or the status of my health (the eye doctor did not count).
First Day of spring 2012
Today is the first day of spring, but it still very much feels like winter. Snow was in today’s forecast, but it never materialized. The snow stayed high in the hills and mountains, where it can be enjoyed. The deer are in the back yard and their foot prints are showing up in the flower beds. They really enjoy tulips and daffodils. Walking around the yard, it is hard to tell if the plants are late or the deer are early.

1 comment:

  1. Rick,
    I am so happy for you being home. That must be a dream fulfilled. You are looking very good. I am doing fine, as well. All cholesterol levels are low, triglycerides are way down and I just passed 61 years without any stroke episodes or other problems (other than the usual aches and pains). I sincerely hope that everything you have endured the past couple of years pays off in the form of life as you wish it to be. I'd love to see you you sometime. Call me at 206-510-1080 if there is ever a way to get together.

    My best, Doug Smith
