Thursday, October 15, 2009


Sorry for the long pause from the last Blog entry.

Well motivation comes in several various forms. The best motivation is when you are positively influenced to move in a certain positive direction because of positive outcome. I remember this story about an old house filled with about half dozen college students. They shared the living room and kitchen area on the main floor and the house had a large back yard when the weather turned warm. Well in the middle of the school year, a vacant room was filled by a non-student, a male model. This guy was very neat about how he looked got along with everyone. Well without saying a word, his example caused everyone in the house to come down stairs in something other than slippers and a bathrobe. People started to comb their hair more and even looked at their face in the mirror before they stepped out of their room.

Since I received my new heart back in September I have had people use various means of motivation to get me moving on my exercise. My two favorites are shown in the photos above. One is my office (my wife took this photo) of my desk computer board hooked up to an exercise bike. Just a little sutler. The second is a friend who threatened to dress like Richard Simons and get me all jazzed up with some jumping around. The first brought a smile to my face. The second set a feeling of fear through my body. Both have moved me slightly to get off my rear a little more. The third motivating source I will mention here are the docs. They are eager to get me going on the bone marrow work up and need me to get stronger. The strength is coming back; I had a long hole to crawl out of. And daily things are getting better.

1 comment:

  1. OK, you have motivated me to get my shots and to exercise. Thanks! LOL

    Keep up the good work!! We are all pulling for ya!!
