Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Great Piece of News !!

Today, July 23, I was notified that the Transplant Board has moved my status from a 1-B-Excepton to a 1-A Exception. The 1-A classification places a Transplant recipient on the top of the list, so the next available organ, in my case heart will be give to me if it matches blood type, size, etc. This was a tremendous piece of news for me as it means at any time I could get the call a heart is available. It also means I will need to stay in the hospital until I am transplanted. This is fine by me as it gives the hospital a chance to further screen and prepare me for transplant.

The status of “Exception” can be an issue that needs explanation. My condition is very unique with the heart disease that I have and the conditions for 1-A may still need to be defended. Today the Transplant Committee was fine with moving my status up based upon the argument and data provided by the UW Cardiology Department. The fact is I will not be alive for a lot longer with the existing heart. But the “Exception” status is subject to review in the future by the Board and I could be placed back into the “1-B-Exception” status if the Board does not feel my current condition warrants a 1-A status. The next few weeks my case will continue to come up before the Board. I will need your prayer and backing that either a heart comes available and I have a successful transplant or that the new status of 1-A-Exception is not challenged.

I am sorry this seems so confusing. One would think the logical thing to do for a person with heart failure is to give them what they need. Unfortunately, the rules for transplanting organs dictate how organs are distributed to be as objective as possible between transplant hospitals and patients. The scarcity of these commodities (viable human hearts) requires certain procedures and steps be followed.

While today’s news is very very positive, you can see I still need your prayers. Thanks.


  1. We're looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, but we'll be even happier if you're too busy to see us because you're getting your new heart. Do you want me to bring you any books to read?

  2. Woo hoo - that is fabulous news!. Prayers and thoughts are always with your family and your PUD family has you and Rose on it's mind continuously too. We all watch your blog for new updates and thoughts. Your spirits seem good and I truly hope your wait goes by fast. Thanks for keeping us posted!
    Julene =)

  3. Praying for you Rick.
