Monday, April 12, 2010

A Step back...

Lance Armstrong in his book, “It’s Not About the Bike” spoke of his battle with cancer and struggles he had with getting back in shape to be a competitive cyclist. Initially after his cancer treatments, he could not compete on the world class races. He suffered a series of humiliating losses, and got to the point that he walked away from the sport. His activities became drinking beer and golfing. His wife told him this is not what he is here to do. He had the stuff to get back into international cycling and make something of himself. The enouragemnt of his wife got him back into cycling and claim many wins.
This past week we made three trips to Seattle and back (over 900 miles) to meet with the doctors on some things they were seeing with my blood draws. My medication was changed and I had a “Pick-Line” (for IV drugs) put in my arm for the administration of a particular antibiotic. It seems that we have made several steps backwards. I am eager to get back to work and live somewhat of a normal life. While I am generally very compliant with the doctors’ instructions, I have told them for a while I refuse to make another trip to Seattle. I have been discouraged with the recent minor set backs and the wild schedule we have been asked to maintain. Once you are burned out, it is time to step back. We both need a break. There are no appointments scheduled in Seattle this next week, which is great. We only have a couple of appointments here in Wenatchee. If things don’t improve, will start drinking pop (never cared for beer) and play Wii golf from the couch (I don’t golf).

1 comment:

  1. way to fight the good fight, rick! a good warrior knows when to say when. kick it in the pants when it comes back around. for now, enjoy wii. :D -ali wick
